Sunday 23 July 2017



ABAB design

A single subject experimental design in which behavior is measured during a baseline period, after a treatment has been applied, after baseline conditions has been reintroduced, and after the treatment has been reintroduced is known as ABAB design and also known as reversal design.

  Abnormal psychology

The scientific study of abnormal behavior in order to describe, predict, explain and change normal patterns of functioning is known as abnormal psychology.


A neurotransmitter that has been linked to depression and dementia is known as acetylcholine.

Acute stress disorder

An anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms are experienced soon after a traumatic event and last less than a month is known as acute stress disorder.


Physical dependence on a substance, marked by such features as tolerance, withdrawal symptoms during abstinence, or both is known as addiction.


An experience of emotion or mood is known as affect.


A program of posthospitalization care and treatment in the community is known as aftercare.


An anxiety disorder in which a person is afraid to be in places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing) or help unavailable if panic like symptoms were to occur is known as agoraphobia.


A life-threatening reduction in white blood cells. This condition is some times produced by clozapine, one of the typical anti psychotic drugs is known as agranulocytosis.


Any beverage containing ethyl alcohol, including beer, wine and liquor is known as alcohol.

Alcohol dehydrogenase

Any enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the stomach before it enters the blood is known as alcohol dehydrogenase.

Alcoholic Anonymous (AA)

A self-help organization that provide support and guidance for persons with patterns of alcohol abuse or dependence is known as alcoholic anonymous.


A pattern of behavior in which a person repeatedly abuses or develops a dependence on alcohol is known as alcoholism.


A decrease in speech or speech content; a symptom of schizophrenia is known as alogia and also known as poverty of speech.


A benzodiazepine drug shown to be effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Marketed as Xanax is known as alprazolam.

Altruistic suicide

Suicide committed by people who intentionally sacrifice their lives for the well being of society is known as altruistic suicide.

Alzheimer's disease

The most common form of dementia, usually occurring after the age of 65 is known as alzheimer,s disease.


The absence of menstrual cycle is known as amenorrhea.

American Law Institute (ALI) test

A legal test for insanity that holds people to be insane at the time of committing a crime if, because of the mental disorder, they did not know right from wrong or they could not resist any uncontrollable pulse to act is known as american law institute test.


Loss of memory is known as amnesia.

Amnestic disorders

Organic disorders in which the primary symptom is memory loss is known as amnestic disorders.


A parental procedure used to test the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus for the possibility of birth defects is known as amniocentesis.


A stimulant drug that is manufactured in laboratory is known as amphetamine.


A structure in the brain that plays key role in the emotion and memory is known as amygdala.

 Anaclitic depression

A pattern of depressed behavior found among very young children that is caused by separation from the mother is known as anaclitic depression.

Analog observation

A method for observing behavior in which people are observed in artificial settings such as clinicians, offices or laboratories.

Analogue experiments

A research method in which the experimenter produces abnormal-like behavior in laboratory subjects and then conducts experiments on the subjects is known as analogue experiment.

Anal Stage

In psychoanalytical theory, the second 18 months of life, during which the child's focus of pleasure shifts to the anas is known as anal stage.


A lessening or loss of sensation of touch or for pain is known as anesthesia.

Anomic suicide

Suicide committed by individuals whose social environment fails to provide stability, thus leaving them without a sense belonging is known as anomic suicide.

Anorexia nervosa

A disorder marked by the pursuit of extreme thinness and by an extreme loss of weight is known as anorexia nervosa.


A complication of birth in which the baby is deprived of oxygen is known as anoxia.

Antabuse (disulfiram)

A drug that causes intense nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, and dizziness when taken with alcohol. It is often taken by people who are trying to refrain from drinking alcohol is known as antabuse.

Antagonistic drugs

Drugs that block or change the effects of an addictive drug is known as antagonistic drugs.

Anterograde amnesia

The inability to remember new information acquired after the event that triggered amnesia is known as anterograde amnesia.

Antianxiety drugs

Psychotropic drugs that help reduce tension and anxiety are known as antianxiety drugs and also known as anxiolytics.

Antibipolar drugs

Psychotropic drugs that help stabilize the moods of people suffering from bipolar mood disorder are known as antibipolar drugs. 


Bodily chemicals that seek out and destroy foreign invaders such as bacteria or viruses are known as antibodies.

Antidepressant drugs

Psychotropic drugs that improve the mood of people with depression are known as antidepressant drugs.


A foreign invader of the body such as bacterium or virus is known as antigen.

Antipsychotic drugs

Drugs that help correct grossly confused or distorted thinking, such as that found in psychotic disorders are known as antipsychotic drugs.

Antisocial personality disorder

A personality disorder marked by a general pattern of disregard for and violation of other people's rights is known as antisocial personality disorder.


The central nervous system's physiological and emotional response to a vague sense of threat or danger is known as anxiety.

Anxiety disorder

A disorder in which anxiety is a central system is known as anxiety disorder.

Anxiety sensitivity

A tendency of certain persons to focus on their body sensations, assess them illogically, and interpret them as harmful is known as anxiety sensitivity.


Drugs that reduce anxiety are known as anxiolytics.

Arbitrary inference

An error in logic in which a person draws negative conclusions on the basis of little or even cntrary evidence is known as arbitrary inference.

Asperger's disorder

A pervasive developmental disorder in which individuals display profound social impairment yet maintain a relatively high level of cognitive functioning and language skills is known as asperger's disorder and known as Asperger's syndrome.

Assertiveness training

A cognitive-behavioural approach to increasing assertive behaviour that is socially desirable is known as assertiveness training.


The process of collecting and interpreting relevant information about subject or client is known as assessment.


A medical problem marked by narrowing of the trachea and bronchi, which results in shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and a choking sensation is known as asthma.


A type of institution first established in thirteenth century to provide care for persons with mental disorders. Most became virtual prisons is known as asylum.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

A disorder in which persons are unable to focus their attention or behave overactively and impulsively, or both is known as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


An explanation of things we see going on around us which points to particular cues is known as attribution.

Atypical antipsychotic drugs

A new group of antipsychotic drugs that operate in a biological manner that is different from the way traditional antipsychotic drugs operate is known as atypical antipsychotic drugs.

Auditory hallucination

A hallucination in which a person hears sound or voices that are not actually present is known as auditory hallucination.

Augmentative communication system

A method for teaching communication skills to individuals with autism, mental retardation, or cerebral palsy by pointing to pictures, symbols, letters or words on the communication board or computer is known as augmentative communication system.


A warning sensation that may precede a migraine headache is known as aura.

Autistic disorder

A pervasive developmental disorder marked by extreme unresponsiveness to others, poor communication skills, and highly repetitive and rigid behaviour is known as autistic disorder and also known as autism.

Autoerotic asphyxia

A fatal lack of oxygen that persons may unintentionally produced while hanging, suffocating, or strangling themselves during masturbation is known as autoerotic asphyxia.

Automatic thoughts

Numerous unpleasant thoughts that come into the mind, helping to cause or maintain depression, anxiety, or other forms of psychological dysfunction is known as automatic thoughts.

Autonomic nervous system (ANS)

The network of nerve fibres that connect the central nervous system to all the other organs of the body is known as autonomic nervous system (ANS).

Aversion therapy

A treatment based on the principles of classical conditioning in which people are repeatedly presented with shocks or another unpleasant stimulus while they are performing undesirable behaviours such as taking a drug is known as aversion therapy.

Avoidant personality disorder

A personality disorder in which an individual is consistently uncomfortable and restrained in social situations, overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, and extremely sensitive to negative evaluation is known as avoidant personality disorder.


A symptom of schizophrenia marked by apathy and inability to start or complete a course of action is known as avolition.


A long fibre extending from a body of a neuron is known as axon.

Cognitive Psychology


Adaptive control of thought (ACT) model of memory

A theory of memory develop by John Anderson that specifies a networked memory comprised of working memory, declarative memory, and procedural memory is known as adaptive control of thought model of memory.


A perceptual property of objects, places, and events that makes clear what actions or behaviors on the part of the perceiver are permitted in interaction with the object, place, or event is known as affordance.


An area of brain tissue with extensive connections to the olfactory system and hypothalamus, though to be involved in mood, feeling, instinct, and short-term memory is known as amygdala.

Analogical reasoning

Drawing inductive inferences that specify a fourth (D) term that projects a relationship found between the first two (A and B) terms onto the third (C) term of the analogy, in problems of the form A is to B and C is to D is known as analogical reasoning.


 A decision making heuristic in which final estimates are heavily influenced by initial value estimates is known as anchoring.

Anterograde amnesia

Lack of memory for events that occur after a brain injury is known as anterograde amnesia.


A disorder of language, though to have neurological causes, in which either language production, language reception, or both, are disrupted is known as aphasia.


Concept pertaining to manufactured or human designed objects is known as artifact.

Artificial Intelligence

A branch of computer science concerned with creating computers that mimic human performance on cognitive tasks is known as artificial intelligence.


A connection or link between two units or elements is known as association.


Cognitive resources, mental effort, or concentration devoted to a cognitive process is known as attention.

Attention hypothesis of automatization

The proposal that attention is needed during a learning phase of a new task is known as attention hypothesis of automatization.

Attentional capture

A phenomenon in which certain stimuli seem to "pop out" and require a person to shift cognitive resources to them, automatically is known as attentional capture.

Attenuation theory

A model of attention in which unattended perceptual events are transmitted in weakened form but not blocked completely before being processed for meaning is known as attenuation theory.

Autobiographical memory

Memory for events and other information from one's own life is known as autobiographical memory.

Automatic processing

The carrying out of a cognitive task with minimal resources. Typically, automatic processing occurs without intention, interferes minimally with other cognitive tasks, and may not involve conscious awareness is known as automatic processing.

Availability heuristic

A strategy in which one estimates the frequency or probability of an event by the ease with which mental operations, such as retrieval of examples or construction of examples, can be carried out is known as availability heuristic.

Organizational Psychology


360-degree appraisals

Performance evaluations in which super visitors, peers, employees, customers, and the like evaluate the individual is known as 360-degree appraisals.

4/5ths rule

A rough indicator of discrimination, this rule requires that the number of minority members a company hire must equal at least 80 percent of the majority members in the population hired is known as 4/5ths rule.

Absolute standards

Measuring an employees performance against established standards is known as absolute standards.


The transfer of ownership and control of one organization to another is known as acquisition.

Adverse (disparate) impact

A consequence of an employment practice that results in a greater rejection rate for a minority group than for the majority group in occupation is known as adverse impact.

Adverse (disparate) treatment

An employment situation where protected group members receive treatment different from other employees in matters such as performance evaluations and promotions is known as adverse treatment.

Affirmative action

A practice in organizations that goes beyond discontinuance of discriminatory practices to include actively seeking, hiring, and promoting minority group members and women.

Age discrimination in employment act (ADEA)

This act inhibits arbitrary age discrimination, particularly among those over age 40.

Agency shop

A union security arrangement whereby employees must pay union dues to the certified bargaining untill even if they choose not to join the union is known as agency shop.

Albemarle Paper Company v. Moody

Supreme court case that clarified the methodological requirements for using and validating tests in selection is known as albemarle paper company v. moody.

Americans with Disabilities act of 1990 (ADA)

Extends EEO coverage to include most forms of disability, requires employers to make reasonable accommodations, and eliminates post-job-offer medical exams is known as americans with disabilities act of 1990.

Application form

Company-specific employment forms used to generate specific information the company want is known as application form.

Assessment centre

A facility where performance simulation tests are administered. These include a series of exercises used for selection, development, and performance appraisal is known as assessment centre.

Attribution theory

A theory of performance evaluation based on the perception of who is control of an employee's performance is known as attribution theory.

Authorization card

A card signed by prospective union members indicating that they are interested in having a union election held at their work site authorization card.


Baby boomers

Individuals born between 1946 and 1965 are known as baby boomers.

Background investigation

The process of verifying information job candidates provide is known as background investigation.

Behavioral interview

Observing job candidates not only what they say but how they behave is known as behavioral interview.

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)

A performance appraisal technique that generates critical incidents and develops behavioral dimensions of performance. The evaluators appraises behaviours rather  than traits are known as behaviorally rating anchored scales.

Blind-box ad

An advertisement that does not identify the advertising organization is known as blind-box ad.

Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

Job requirements that are "reasonably necessary to meet the normal operations of that business or enterprise" is known as Bona fide occupational qualification.


Paying employees at present levels based on their level of competency is known as broad-banding.


Chronic and long-term stress is known as burnout.



The sequence of employment positions that a person has held over his or her life is known as career.

Carpel tunnel syndrome

A repetitive-motion disorder effecting the wrist is known as carpel tunnel syndrome.

Central tendency

The tendency of the rater to give average rating is known as central tendency.

Change agent

Individual responsible for fostering the change effort and assisting employees in adapting to changes is known as change agent.

Checklist appraisal

A performance evaluation in which a rater checks off applicable employee attributes is known as checklist appraisal.

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Federal law that prohibited discrimination based on race is known as Civil Rights Act of 1866.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Outlawed racial segregation and discrimination in employment, public facilities, and education is known as Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Employment discrimination law that nullified selected Supreme Court decisions. Reinstated burden of proof by the employer, and allowed for punitive and compensatory damage through jury trials is known as Civil Rights Act of 1991.

Civil Service Reform Act

Replaced executive order 11491 as the basic law governing labour relations for federal employees is known as Civil Service Reform Act.

Classification method

Evaluation jobs based on predetermine job grades is known as classification method.

Code of ethics

A formal document that states an organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects organizational members to follow is known as code of ethics.

Collective bargaining

The negotiation, administration, and interpretation of written agreement between two parties, at least one of which represents a group that is acting collectively, and that covers a specific period of time is known as collective bargaining.

Communications programs

HRM programs designed to provide information to employees is known as communications programs.

Comparable worth

Equal pay for jobs similar to skills, responsibility, working conditions, and efforts is known as comparable worth.

Compensation administration

The process of managing a company's program is known as compensation administration.

Compensation and benefits

HRM functions concerned with paying employees and administrating the benefits package is known as compensation and benefits.

Compensation surveys

Used to gather factual data on practices among firms and companies within specific communities is known as compensation surveys.

Competency-based compensation

Organizational pay system that rewards skills, knowledge, and behaviours is known as competency-based compensation.

Comprehensive interview

A selection device used to obtain in depth information about a candidate is known as comprehensive interview.

Comprehensive selection

Applying all steps in the selection process before rendering a decision about a job candidate is known as comprehensive selection.

Compressed work week schedule

Employees work longer days in exchange for longer weekends or other days off is known as compressed work week schedule.

Conciliation and mediation

Impasse resolution techniques using an impartial third party to help management and the union to resolve the conflict is known as conciliation and mediation.

Concurrent validity

Validating tests by using current employees as the study group is known as concurrent validity.

Conditional job offer

A tentative job offer that becomes permanent after certain conditions are met is known as conditional job offer.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act provides for continued employee benefits up to three years after an employee leaves a job.

Constraints on recruiting efforts

Factors that can limit recruiting outcomes is known as constraints recruiting efforts.

Construct validity

The degree to which a particular trait relates to successful job performance, as in IQ tests is known as construct validity.

Consumer driven health plan (CDHP)

Consumer driven health plan combines a health plan with a high deductible with the health savings account that the insured uses to pay for deductible and medical care.

Content validity

The degree to which test content, as a sample, represents all situations that could have been included, such as a typing test for a clerk typist is known as content validity.

Contingent workforce

The part time, temporary, and contract workers used by organizations to fill peak staffing needs or perform work nor done by core employees is known as contingent workforce.

Continuous improvement

Organizational commitment to constantly improving quality of products or services is known as continuous improvement.

Controlling management

Controlling management function concerned with monitoring activities to ensure goals are met is known as controlling management.

Core competency

Organizational strengths that represent unique skills or resources is known as core competency.

Core employees

An organization's full time employee population is known as core employees.

Criterion-related validity

The degree to which a particular selection device accurately predicts the important elements of work behaviour, as in the relationship between the test score and job performance is known as criterion-related validity.

Critical incident appraisal

A performance evaluation that focuses on key behaviours that differentiate between doing a job effectively or ineffectively is known as critical incident appraisal.

Cut score

A scoring point below which applicants are rejected is known as cut score.


Decline or late stage

The final stage in one's career, usually marked by retirement is known as decline or late stage.

Defined benefit plan

A retirement program that pays retiring employees a fixed retirement income based on average earnings over a period of time is known as defined benefit plan.

Defined contribution plan

No specific benefit payout is promised because the value of the retirement account depends on the growth of contributions of employee and employer is known as defined contribution plan.

Diary method

A job analysis method requiring job incumbents to record their daily activities is known as diary method.


A condition in the organization when employees conduct themselves in accordance with the organization's rules and standards of acceptable behavior is known as discipline.


A disciplinary action that results in the termination of an employee is known as dismissal.


A record of performance appraisal process outcomes is known as documentation.

Domestic partner benefits

Benefits offered to an employee's live in partner is known as domestic partner benefits.


An activity in an organization aimed at creating greater efficiency by eliminating certain jobs is known as downsizing.

Drug testing

The process of testing applicant's/ employee's  to determine if they are using illicit substance is known as drug testing.

Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires specific government related groups to ensure that their workplace is drug free.

Drug check-off

Employer withholding of union dues from union member's paychecks is known as drug check-off.


Economic strike

An impasse that results from labour and management's inability to agree on the wages, hours and terms and conditions of the new contract is known as economic strike.

Employee assistance programs (EAPs)

Specific programs designed to help employees with personal problems is known as employee assistance programs.

Employee benefits

Membership-based, non financial rewards offer to attract and keep employees is known as employee benefits.

Employee development

Future-oriented training that focuses on employee personal growth is known as employee development.

Employee handbook

A booklet describing important aspects of employment an employee needs to know is known as employee handbook.

Employee monitoring

An activity whereby the company keep informed of its employee's activities is known as employee monitoring.

Employee referral

A recommendation from the current employee regarding a job application is known as employee referral.

Employee relations function

Activities in HRM concerned with effective communications among organizational members is known as employee relations function.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

Law passed in 1974 designed to protect employee retirement benefits is known as Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

Employee training

Present-oriented training that focuses on individual's current job is known as employee training.

Employment agencies

Employment agencies assists in matching employees seeking work with employers seeking workers.

Employment-at-will doctrine

Nineteenth century common law that permitted employers to discipline or discharge employees at their discretion is known as employment-at-will doctrine.

Encounter stage

The socialization stage where the individuals confront the possible dichotomy between their organizational expectations and reality is known as encounter stage.

Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOA)

Granted enforcement powers to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is known as Equal Employment Opportunity Act.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commision (EEOC)

The arm of the federal government empowered to handle discrimination in employment cases is known as Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Equal Pay Act of 1963

This act requires equal pay for equal work.

Establishment period

A career stage in which one begins to search for work and finds a first job is known as establishment period.


A set of rules or principles that defines right and wrong conduct is known as ethics.

Executive search firms

Private employment agency specializing in middle- and top management placements is known as executive search firms.

Exempt employees

Employees in positions that are exempt from most employee protection outlined in the Fair Labour Standards Act, specially overtime pay are known as exempt employees.


An individual who lives and works in a country of which he or she is not citizen is known as expatriate.

Exploration period

A career stage that usually ends in the mid-twenties as one makes the transition from school to work is known as exploration period.

External career

Attributes related to an occupation's properties or qualities is known as external career.

Extrinsic rewards

Benefits provided by the employer, usually money, promotion, or benefits are known as extrinsic rewards.



The technique whereby the neutral third party conducts a hearing to gather evidence and testimony from the parties regarding the differences between them is known as fact-finding.

Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1971

Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1971 requires and employer to notify job candidates of its intent to check into their credit.

Fair Labour Standards Act (FLSA)

Fair Labour Standard Act passed in 1938, this act established laws outlining minimum wage, overtime pay, and maximum hour requirements for most U.S workers.

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 FMLA)

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 provides employees in most organizations the opportunity to take up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave for family matters.

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services (FMCS)

A government agency that assists labour and management in setting disputes is known as Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services.

Flexible benefits

A benefits program in which employees pick benefits that most meet their needs is known as flexible benefits.

Flexible spending accounts

Flexible spending accounts allow employees to set aside money before payroll taxes to pay for healthcare or dependant care is known as flexible spending accounts.

Flex time

An alternative to traditional "9 to 5" work schedules allows employees to vary arrival and departure times is known as flex time.

Forced-choice appraisal

A performance evaluation in which the rater must choose between two specific statements about an employee's work behaviour is known as forced-choice appraisal.


Glass ceiling

The invisible barrier that blocks females and minorities from ascending into upper levels of an organization is known as glass ceiling.


A process of interaction and integration among the people, companies and governments of different nation, driven by international trade and investment, accelerated by information technology is known as globalization.

Golden parachute

A financial protection plan for executives in case they are severed from the organization is known as golden parachute.

Graphic rating scale

A performance appraisal method that lists traits and a range of performance for each is known as graphic rating scale.

Grievance procedure

A complaint-resolving process contained in union contracts is known as grievance procedure.

Grigg v.Duke Power Company

Landmark supreme court stating that tests must fairly measure the knowledge or skills required for a job is known as Grigg v. Duke Power Company.

Group Incentive

Motivational plan provided to a group of employees based on their collective work is known as group incentive.

Group interview method

Meeting with a number of employees to collectively determine what their jobs entail is known as group interview method.


Hole error

The tendency to let our assessment of an individual on one trait influence our evaluation of  that person on other specific traits is known as hole error.

Hawthorne studies

A series of studies that provided new insights into group behaviour and motivation is known as Hawthorne studies.

Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act of 1996 ensures confidentiality of employee health information .

Health maintenance organization HMO)

Health maintenance organization provides comprehensive health services for a flat fee.

Holland vocational preferences model

Holland vocational preferences model represent an individual occupational personality as it relates to vocational themes.

Honesty test

A specialized question-and-answer test designed to assess one's honesty is known as honesty test.

Host-country national (HCN)

A citizen of a host country hired by an organization based in another country is known as host-country national.

Hostile environment harassment

Offensive and unreasonable situations in the workplace that interfere with the ability to work is known as hostile environment harassment.

Hot-stove rule

Discipline, like a consequences of touching a hot stove, and should be immediate, provide ample warning, be consistent, and be impersonal is known as hot-stove rule.

HR generalist

position responsible for all or large number of HR functions in an organization is known as HR generalist.

Human resource information system (HRIS)

A computerized system that assists in the processing of HRM information is known as Human resource information system.

Human resource planning

process of determining an organization's human resource need is known as human resource planning.


Imminent danger

A condition where an accident is about to occur is known as imminent danger.

Implied employment contract

Any organizational guarantee or promise about job security is known as implied employment contract.

Impression management

Impression management influencing performance evaluations by portraying an image desired by the appraiser.


An incentive plan that uses a specific mathematical formula for determining employee bonuses is known as IMPROSHARE

Incidence rate

Number of injuries, illnesses, or lost workdays as it relates to a common base of full time employees is known as incidence rate.

Individual incentive plans

Motivation systems based on individual work performance is known as individual incentive plans.

Individual interview method

Meeting with an employee to determine what his or her job entails is known as individual interview method.

Individual ranking

Ranking employees' performance from highest to lowest is known as individual ranking.

Individual retirement accounts (IRA)

A type of defined contribution plan with employer contributions is known as individual retirement accounts.

Initial screening

The first step in the selection process whereby job inquires are sorted is known as initial screening.

Interest arbitration

An impasse resolution technique used to settle contract is known as interest arbitration.

Intergroup development

Helping members of various groups become a cohesive team is known as intergroup development.

Internal search

A promotion-from-within concept is known as internal search.

Interviewer bias

Image created by reviewing materials such as the resume, application, or test scores prior to the actual interview is known as interviewer bias.

Intrinsic rewards

Satisfactions derived from the job itself, such as pride in one's work, a feeling of accomplishment, or being part of team is known as intrinsic rewards.


Job analysis

Job analysis provides information about jobs currently being done and the knowledge, skills, and ability that individuals need to perform the jobs adequately is known as job analysis.

Job description

A statement indicating what a job entails is known as job description.

Job design

Job design refer to the way that the position and the tasks within that position are organized, including how and when the tasks are done and any factors that effect the work such as in what order tasks are completed and the conditions under which the tasks are completed is known as job design.

Job enrichment

Enhancing jobs by giving employees more opportunity to plan and control their work is known as job enrichment.

Job evaluation

Job evaluation specifies the relative value of each job in organization is known as job evaluation.

Job fairs

Events attended by employer representatives or recruiters with the goal of reaching qualified candidates are known as job fairs.

Job rotation

Moving employees horizontally or vertically to expand their skills, knowledge, or abilities is known as job rotation.

Job sharing

Two people share on job by splitting the work week and the responsibilities of the position is known as job sharing.

Job specification

Statements indicating the minimal acceptable qualifications incumbents must possess to successfully perform the essential elements of their jobs is known as job specification.



The Japanese term for an organization's commitment to continuous improvement is known as Kaizen.


A Japanese term meaning death from over working is known as Karoshi.

Kirkpatrick's model

Kirkpatrick's model evaluates the benefits of training of skills that are hard to quantify, such as attitudes and behaviours pre-post-training performance with control group method evaluating training by comparing pre- and post-training results within.

Knowledge workers

Individuals whose jobs are designed around the acquisition and application of information are known as knowledge workers.


Labour union

Act on behalf of it's members to secure wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment is known as Labour union.

Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959

Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 also known as the Labour and Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, this legislation protected union members from possible wrong doing on the part of their unions to disclose their financial statements.

Late-career stage

A career stage in which individuals are no longer learning about their jobs nor expected to outdo levels of performance from previous years is known as Late-career stage.


Management function concerned with directing the work of others is known as leading.

Learning organization

An organization that values continued learning and believes a competitive advantage can be derived from it is known as learning organization.


Maintenance function

Activities in HRM concerned with maintaining employees' commitment and loyalty to the organization is known as maintenance  function.

Maintenance of membership

Maintenance of membership requires an individual who chooses to join a union to remain in the union for the duration of the existing contract.


The process of efficiently completing activities with and through people is known as management.

Management by objectivity (MBO)

A performance appraisal method that includes mutual objective setting and evaluation based on the attainment of the specific objectives is known as management by objectivity.

Management thought

Early theories of management that promoted today's HRM operations is known as management thought.


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

The government agency that researches and sets OSHA standards is known as National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Healthy.

National Labour Relations Board (NLRB)

National Labour Relations Board establish to administer and interpret the Wagner Act, the NLRB has primary responsibility for conducting union representation election.

Nonexempt employees

Employees who are covered by the Fair Labour Standards Act, including overtime pay and minimum wage provisions of the act is known as nonexempt employees.


Observation method

A job analysis technique in which data are gathered by watching employees work is known as observation method.


The process of moving job out of one country and into another country is known as offshoring.

Online resume

Resumes created and formatted to be posted on online resume or job sites is known as online resume.

Open shop

Employees are free to join union or not, and those who decline need not pay union dues is known as open shop.

Ordering method

Ranking job worth from highest to lowest is known as ordering method.


Paired comparison

Ranking individuals' performance by counting the times any one individual is the preferred member when compared with all other employees is known as paired comparison.

Pay-for-performance programs

Rewarding employees based on their job performance is known as pay-for-performance programs.

Peer evaluation

A performance assessment in which co-workers provide input into the employee's performance is known as peer evaluation.

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)

The organization that lays claim to corporate assets to pay or fund inadequate pension programs is known as Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Performance-based rewards

Rewards exemplified by the use of commissions, piecework pay plans, incentive systems, group bonuses, or other forms of merit pay are known as performance-based rewards.


Qualified privilege

The ability for organizations to speak candidly to one another about employees or potential hires is known as qualified privilege.

Quality management

Organizational commitment to continuous process of improvement that expands the definition of customer to include everyone involved in the organization is known as quality management.

Quid pro quo harassment

Some type of sexual behaviour is expected as a condition of employment is known as quid pro quo harassment.


Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO)

Law passed to eliminate any influence on unions by members of organized crime is known as Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act.

Railway Labour Act

Railway Labour Act provided the initial impetus to widespread collective bargaining.

Realist job preview (RJP)

A selection device that allows job candidates to learn negative as well as positive information about the job and organization is known as realistic job preview/

Reasonable accommodations

Changes to the workplace that allow qualified workers with disabilities to perform their jobs is known as reasonable accommodations.


Represent employer to prospective applicants at colleges and job affairs is known as recruiter.


Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Sarbanes-Oxley Act establishes procedures for public companies regarding how they handle and report their finances.

Scanlon plan

An organization-wide incentive program focusing on cooperation between management and employees through sharing problems, goals and ideas is known as scanlon plan.

Scientific management

A set of principles designed to enhance worker productivity is known as scientific management.

Seniority systems

Decisions such as promotions, pay, and layoffs are made on the basis on an employee's seniority or length of service are known as seniority systems.

Sexual harassment

Anything of a sexual nature that creates a condition of employment, an employment consequence, or a hostile or offensive environment is known as sexual harassment.


Taft-Hartley Act

Amended the Wagner Act by addressing employers concerns in terms of specifying unfair union labour practices is known as Taft-Hartley Act.

Team based compensation

Pay based on how well the team performed is known as team based compensation.

Technical conference method

A job analysis technique that involves extensive input from the employee's supervisor is known as technical conference method.


Telecommuting using technology to work in a location other than the traditional workplace.

Title VII

The most prominent piece of legislation regarding HRM, it states the illegality of discrimination against individuals based on race, religion, color, sex, or national region is known as title VII.


Employment compensation

Employee insurance that provides some income continuation in the event an employee is laid off is known as employment compensation.

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 clarifies and strengthens the rights of veterans to return to their jobs in the private sector when they return from military service.

Union organization of workers

Union organization of workers acting collectively , seeking to protect and promote their mutual interests through collective bargaining.

Union security arrangements

Labour contract provisions designed to attract and retain dues-paying union members is known as union security arrangements.

Union shop

Any nonunion worker must become dues paying members within a prescribed period of time is known as union shop.



The proven relationship of a selection device to relevant criterion is known as validity.

Vesting rights

The permanent right to pension benefits is known as vesting rights.


Wage structure

A pay scale showing ranges of pay within each grade is known as wage structure.

Wagner Act

Wagner Act also known as Nation Labour Relations Act of 1935, this act gave employees the right to form and join union and to engage in collective bargaining.

Wards Cove Packing Company v. Atonio

A notable Supreme Court case that had the effect of potentially undermining two decades of gains made in equal employment opportunity is known as Ward Cove Packing Company v. Atonio.


Resources an organization lacks or activities it does poorly is known as weakness.

Weighted application form

A special type of application form that uses relevant application information to determine the likelihood of job success is known as weighted application form. 

Theories of personality



Adlerian safeguarding tendency whereby one protects magnified feelings of self-esteem by blaming others for one's own failures is known as accusation.

Active imagination

Technique used by Jung to uncover collective unconscious material is known as active imagination. patients are asked to concentrate on image until a series of fantasies are produced.

Actualizing tendency (Rogers)

Tendency within all people to move toward completion or fulfillment of potentials is known as actualization tendency.

Adolescence (Erikson)

An important psycho-social stage when ego identity should be formed. Adolescence is characterized by puberty and the crisis of identity versus identity confusion.

Adulthood (Erikson)

The stage from about age 31 to 60 that is characterized by the psycho-social mode of pro-creativity 
and the crisis of generativity versus stagnation is known as adulthood.

Aesthetic needs (Maslow)

Needs for arts, music, beauty, and the like. Although they may be related to the basic conative needs, aesthetic needs are the separate dimensions.


Altruistic love is known as agape.

Aggression (Adler)

Safeguarding tendencies that may include depreciation or accusation of others as well as self-accusation, all designed to protect exaggerated feelings of personal superiority by striking out against other people is known as aggression.

Aggression (Freud)

One of two primary instincts or drives that motivate people. Aggression is outward manifestation of the death instincts.

Anal Character

Freudian term for a person characterized by a compulsive neatness, stubbornness, and miserliness is known as anal character.

Anal Phase (Freud)

Sometimes called the anal-sadistic phase, this second stage of the infantile period is characterized by a child's attempts to gain pleasure from the excretion function and by such related behaviours as destroying of loosing objects, stubbornness, neatness, and miserliness. correspond roughly to the second year of life is known as anal phase.

Anal triad (Freud)

The three traits of compulsive neatness, stubbornness, and miserliness that characterized the anal character is known as anal triad.


Erikson's term for the young child's psychosexual mode of adapting is known as anal-urethral-muscular.

Analytical psychology

Theory of personality and approach to psychotherapy found by Carl Young is known as analytical psychology.


Jungian archetype that represent the feminine component in the personality of males and originates from men's inherited experiences with women is known as anima.


Jungian's archetype that represents the masculine component in the personality of females and originates from women's inherited experiences with men is known as animus.


A felt, effective, unpleasant state accompanied by the physical sensation of uneasiness is known as anxiety.

Anxiety (Kelly)

The recognition that the events with which one is confronted lie outside the range of convenience of one's construct system is known as anxiety.

Anxiety (May)

The experience of the threat of imminent nonbeing is known as anxiety.

Anxiety (Rogers)

Feelings of uneasiness or tension with an unknown cause is known as anxiety.

Anxiety (Sullivan)

Any tension that interferes with satisfaction of needs is known as anxiety.

Apathy (Sullivan)

Dynamism that reduces tensions of needs through the adoption of an indifferent attitude is known as apathy.


Jung's concept that refers to the contents of the collective unconscious. Archetypes, are called primordial images or collective symbols, represent psychic patterns of inherited behaviour and are thus distinguished from instincts, which are physical impulses toward action are called archetypes. Typical archetypes are the anima, animus, shadow.

Attitude (Jung)

A predisposition to act or react in the characteristic manner, that is, in either an introverted or an extroverted direction is known as attitude.

Authoritarianism (Fromm)

The tendency to give up one's independence and to unite with another person or persons in order to gain strength is known as authoritarianism. Takes the form of masochism or sadism.

Autistic language (Sullivan)

Private or parataxic language that makes little or no sense to other people is known as autistic language.

Psychological Testing



The creation of or allowing the creation of substantial risk of physical injury or emotional impairment that is non-accidental is known as abuse.


In assessment, the adaptation of the test, procedure, or situation, or the substitution of the test for another in order to make the assessment more suitable for an assesses with the exceptional needs is known as accommodation.


The process by which an individual's thoughts, behaviors, values, identity, and worldview develop in relation to the general thinking, behavior, customs, and values of a particular cultural group is known as acculturation.

Achievement test

Evaluation of accomplishment or the degree or learning that has taken place, usually with regard to an academic area, for educational assessment, minimum competency, for predictive purposes, in specific subject areas is known as achievement test.

Acquiescent response style

A way of responding to test items characterized by agreement with whatever is presented is known as acquiescent response style  and also referred to as acquiescence.

Actuarial Assessment

An approach to evaluation characterized by the application of empirically demonstrated statistical rules and probabilities; contrast with clinical prediction and mechanical prediction, is known as actuarial assessment.

Adaptive behaviour

Personal conduct that one is capable of modifying in age-appropriate ways to effectively address needs, demands and challenges is known as adaptive behaviour.

Adaptive testing

An examination method or procedure characterized by individually tailoring presentation of items to the test taker is known as adaptive testing and also referred to as tailored testing, sequential testing, branched testing, and response-contingent testing.


A purposely misspelled word but easy to remember acronym to remind assessors of the following sources of cultural influence: age, disability, religion, ethnicity, social status, sexual orientation, indigenous heritage, national origin, and gender is known as addressing.

Affirmative action

Voluntary and mandatory efforts undertaken by federal, state, and local government, private employers, and schools to combat discrimination and to promote equal opportunity in education and employment for all is known as affirmative action.

Age norms

Norms specially designed for use as a reference in context of age of test taker who achieved a particular score; contrast with grade norm is known as age norm also referred to as age-equivalent norms.

Age Scale

A test with items organized by the age at which most test takers are believed capable of responding in the way keyed correct; contrast with point scale is known as age scale.

Alerting response

A brightening and widening of the eyes in response to stimulus, indicative of an infant's capacity for responsiveness is known as alerting response.

ALI standard

American law institute of legal insanity, which provides that a person is not responsible for criminal conduct, if at the time of such conduct, the person lacked substantial capacity either to appreciate criminality of the conduct to conform the conduct to the requirements of law is known as ALI standard.

Alternate assessment

An evaluative or diagnostic procedure or process that varies from the usual, customary, or standardized way a measurement is derived, either by some special accommodation made to the assessee or by alternative methods designed to measure the same variables  is known as alternate assessment.

Alternate forms

Different versions of the same test or measure is known as alternate measure.

Alternate item

A test item to be administered only under certain conditions to replace the administration of an existing item on the test is known as alternate item.

Alternate-forms reliability

An estimate to the extent to which item sampling and other errors have affected scores on two versions of the same test is known as alternate-form reliability.

Analogue behavioural observation

The observation of a person or persons in an environment designed to increase the assessor's chance of observing targeted behaviours and interactions is known as analogue behavior observation.

Analogue study

Research and behavioural intervention that replicate a variable or variables in ways that are similar to or analogous to the real variables the experimenters wishes to study; for example a laboratory study designed to research a phobia of snakes in wild is known as analogue study.

Anatomically detailed doll (ADD)

A human figure in doll form with accurately represented genitalia, typically used to assist in the evaluation of sexually abused children is known as anatomically detailed doll.

Anchor protocol

A test answer sheet developed by a test publisher to check the accuracy of examiners scoring is known as anchor protocol.


American psychological association; in other sources, particularly medical texts, this may refer to the American Psychiatric Association.

Apgar number

A score on a rating scale developed by a physician, Virginia Apgar that embodies a simple, rapid method of evaluating newborn infants is known as apgar number.


A condition in which the ability to eat is lost or diminished is known a aphagia.


A loss of ability to express oneself or to understand spoken or written language due to a neurological defect is known as aphasia.


To perceive in terms of past perceptions (from this verb, noun apperception is derived) is known as apperceive.

Aptitude test

A test that usually focuses on more on informal as apposed to formal learning experiences and is designed to measure both learning and inborn potential for the purpose of making predictions about the test takers' future performance is known as aptitude test and also referred to as prognostic test, and especially with young children, a readiness test.

Arithmetic mean

A measure of central tendency derived by calculating an average of all scores in the distribution is known as arithmetic mean and also referred to simply as mean.

Army alpha test

An ability and intelligence test developed by military psychologists for use in world war 1 to screen literate recruits is known as army alpha test.

Army beta test

A nonverbal ability and intelligence test developed by military psychologists for use in world war 1 to screen literate and foreign-born recruits is known as army beta test.

Assessment center

An organizationally standardized procedure for evaluation involving multiple assessment techniques is known as assessment center.


In piagetian theory, one of two basic mental operations through which humans learn, this one involving the active organization of new information into what is already perceived, known, and thought is known as assimilation.

At risk

Defined in different ways by different school districts, but in general reference to functioning that is deficient and possibly in need of intervention is known as at risk.

At-risk infant or toddler

According to IDEA, the children of under 3 years of age who would be in danger of experiencing a substantial developmental delay if early intervention services were not provided is known as at-risk infant or toddler.


A presumably learned disposition to react in some characteristic manner to a particular stimulus, in consumer psychology, in educational assessment, implicit, inventories, attitude interest scale, auditory apperception test is known as attitude.

Authentic assessment

Evaluation on relevant, meaningful tasks that may be conducted to examine learning of academic subject matter but that demonstrates the student,s transfer of  that study to real world activities is known as authentic assessment and also known as performance based assessment.

Average deviation

A measure of variability derived by summing the absolute value of all the scores in the distribution and dividing by the total number of scores is known as average deviation.


Bar graph

A graphic illustration of data wherein numbers indicative of frequency are set on the vertical axis, categories are set on the horizontal axis, and the rectangle bars that describe the data are typically non contiguous is known as bar graph.

Barnum effect

The consequence of one's belief that a vague personality description truly describes oneself when in reality that description may apply to almost anyone; sometimes referred to as "Aunt Fanny effect" because the same personality might be applied to anyone's Aunt Fanny is known as Barnum effect.

Basal level

A stage in a test achieved by a test taker by meeting some preset criterion to continue to be tested-for example, responding correctly to two consecutive items on an ability test contains increasingly difficult items may establish a "base" from which to continue testing is known as basal level.

Base rate

An index, usually expressed as a proportion, of the extent to which a particular trait, behaviour, characteristic or attribute exists in a population is known as base rate.

Behavioral assessment

An approach to evaluation based on the analysis of samples of behaviour, including the antecedents and consequences of the behaviour is known as behavioral assessment.

Behavioral neurology

The sub specialty area within the medical speciality of neurology that focuses on brain-behaviour relationships is known as behavioral neurology.

Behavioral observation

Monitoring the actions of others or oneself by visual or electronic means while recording qualitative or\and quantitative information regarding those actions, typically for diagnostic or related purposes and either to design intervention or to measure the outcome of that intervention is known as behavioral observation.

Bender visual-motor gestalt test

A widely used screening tool for neuropsychological deficits entails the copying and recall of designs; developed by Lauretta Bender, it is also referred to simply as "Bender" is known as Bender visual-motor gestalt test.


As applied to tests, a factor inherent within a test that systematically prevents accurate, impartial measurement, intercept observer in personality assessment, rating error and slope of test items validity is known as bias.

Bimodal distribution

A distribution in which the central tendency consists of two scores, occurring an equal number of times, that are the most frequently occurring scores in the distribution is known as bimodal distribution.


A generic term that refers to psychophysiological assessment techniques designed to gauge, display, and record a continuous monitoring of selected biological processes such as pulse and blood pressure is known as biofeedback.

Biopsychosocial assessment

A multidisciplinary approach to assessment that includes exploration of relevant biological, psychological, social, cultural and environmental variables for the purpose of evaluating how such variables may have contributed to the development and maintenance of a presenting problem is known as biopsychosocial assessment.

Bivariate distribution

A graphic representation of correlation accomplished by the simple graphing of the coordinate points for values of the X-variable and the Y-variable is known as bivariate distribution and also known as a scatter plot, scatter diagram, or scattergram.

Bookmark method

An IRT-based method of setting cut scores that uses an item book, where items are placed in ascending order of difficulty and with experts making judgments and literally "bookmarking" items that exhibit the optimal level of difficulty for test items is known as bookmark method.

Brain scan

More formally referred to as a radioisotope scan, a procedure in neurology used to detect tumors and other possible abnormalities that entails the introduction of radioactive material into the brain for the purpose of tracking it's flow is known as brain scan.


A psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment is known as burnout.



An Acronym that stands for computer assisted psychological assessment is known as CAPA.

Case history data

Records, transcripts, and other accounts in any media that preserves archival information, official and informal accounts, and other data and items relevant to an assessee, in clinical/counseling assessment, or in neurological assessment is known as case history data.


An acronym that stands for a neurological scanning technology called computerized axial tomography.

Categorical scaling

A system of scaling in which stimuli are placed into one of two or more alternative categories that differ quantitatively with respect to some continuum is known as categorical scaling.

Ceiling effect

Diminished utility of a tool of assessment in distinguishing test takers at the high end of ability, trait, or other attribute being measured is known as ceiling effect.


Decision study

Conducted at conclusion of a generalizability study, this research is designed to explore the utility and value of test scores in making decisions is known as decision study.