Sunday 23 July 2017

Cognitive Psychology


Adaptive control of thought (ACT) model of memory

A theory of memory develop by John Anderson that specifies a networked memory comprised of working memory, declarative memory, and procedural memory is known as adaptive control of thought model of memory.


A perceptual property of objects, places, and events that makes clear what actions or behaviors on the part of the perceiver are permitted in interaction with the object, place, or event is known as affordance.


An area of brain tissue with extensive connections to the olfactory system and hypothalamus, though to be involved in mood, feeling, instinct, and short-term memory is known as amygdala.

Analogical reasoning

Drawing inductive inferences that specify a fourth (D) term that projects a relationship found between the first two (A and B) terms onto the third (C) term of the analogy, in problems of the form A is to B and C is to D is known as analogical reasoning.


 A decision making heuristic in which final estimates are heavily influenced by initial value estimates is known as anchoring.

Anterograde amnesia

Lack of memory for events that occur after a brain injury is known as anterograde amnesia.


A disorder of language, though to have neurological causes, in which either language production, language reception, or both, are disrupted is known as aphasia.


Concept pertaining to manufactured or human designed objects is known as artifact.

Artificial Intelligence

A branch of computer science concerned with creating computers that mimic human performance on cognitive tasks is known as artificial intelligence.


A connection or link between two units or elements is known as association.


Cognitive resources, mental effort, or concentration devoted to a cognitive process is known as attention.

Attention hypothesis of automatization

The proposal that attention is needed during a learning phase of a new task is known as attention hypothesis of automatization.

Attentional capture

A phenomenon in which certain stimuli seem to "pop out" and require a person to shift cognitive resources to them, automatically is known as attentional capture.

Attenuation theory

A model of attention in which unattended perceptual events are transmitted in weakened form but not blocked completely before being processed for meaning is known as attenuation theory.

Autobiographical memory

Memory for events and other information from one's own life is known as autobiographical memory.

Automatic processing

The carrying out of a cognitive task with minimal resources. Typically, automatic processing occurs without intention, interferes minimally with other cognitive tasks, and may not involve conscious awareness is known as automatic processing.

Availability heuristic

A strategy in which one estimates the frequency or probability of an event by the ease with which mental operations, such as retrieval of examples or construction of examples, can be carried out is known as availability heuristic.


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