Sunday 23 July 2017

Quantitative Research Methods


ABAB design (reversal design)

A single subject experimental design in which an initial baseline stage (A) is followed  by treatment stage (B), a return to baseline (A), and then another treatment stage (B); the researcher observes whether behavior changes on introduction of the treatment is withdrawn, and improves again when the treatment is reintroduced.


The probability when testing the null hypothesis that is used to indicate whether an outcome is statistically significant. Levels of significance, or alpha, is equal to the probability of the type 1 error.


The analysis of variance, or ANOVA, is the most commonly used inferential test for examining a null hypothesis when comparing more than two means in a single-factor study, or in studies with more than one factor (i.e., independent variable). The ANOVA test is based on analyzing different resources of variation in an experiment.

Applied research

Research that seeks knowledge that will improve a situation is known as applied research.

Archival records

Source of evidence based on records or documents relating the activities of individuals, institutions, governments, and other groups; used as an alternative to or in conjunction with other research methods is known as archival records.


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