Sunday 23 July 2017



ABAB design

A single subject experimental design in which behavior is measured during a baseline period, after a treatment has been applied, after baseline conditions has been reintroduced, and after the treatment has been reintroduced is known as ABAB design and also known as reversal design.

  Abnormal psychology

The scientific study of abnormal behavior in order to describe, predict, explain and change normal patterns of functioning is known as abnormal psychology.


A neurotransmitter that has been linked to depression and dementia is known as acetylcholine.

Acute stress disorder

An anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms are experienced soon after a traumatic event and last less than a month is known as acute stress disorder.


Physical dependence on a substance, marked by such features as tolerance, withdrawal symptoms during abstinence, or both is known as addiction.


An experience of emotion or mood is known as affect.


A program of posthospitalization care and treatment in the community is known as aftercare.


An anxiety disorder in which a person is afraid to be in places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing) or help unavailable if panic like symptoms were to occur is known as agoraphobia.


A life-threatening reduction in white blood cells. This condition is some times produced by clozapine, one of the typical anti psychotic drugs is known as agranulocytosis.


Any beverage containing ethyl alcohol, including beer, wine and liquor is known as alcohol.

Alcohol dehydrogenase

Any enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the stomach before it enters the blood is known as alcohol dehydrogenase.

Alcoholic Anonymous (AA)

A self-help organization that provide support and guidance for persons with patterns of alcohol abuse or dependence is known as alcoholic anonymous.


A pattern of behavior in which a person repeatedly abuses or develops a dependence on alcohol is known as alcoholism.


A decrease in speech or speech content; a symptom of schizophrenia is known as alogia and also known as poverty of speech.


A benzodiazepine drug shown to be effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Marketed as Xanax is known as alprazolam.

Altruistic suicide

Suicide committed by people who intentionally sacrifice their lives for the well being of society is known as altruistic suicide.

Alzheimer's disease

The most common form of dementia, usually occurring after the age of 65 is known as alzheimer,s disease.


The absence of menstrual cycle is known as amenorrhea.

American Law Institute (ALI) test

A legal test for insanity that holds people to be insane at the time of committing a crime if, because of the mental disorder, they did not know right from wrong or they could not resist any uncontrollable pulse to act is known as american law institute test.


Loss of memory is known as amnesia.

Amnestic disorders

Organic disorders in which the primary symptom is memory loss is known as amnestic disorders.


A parental procedure used to test the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus for the possibility of birth defects is known as amniocentesis.


A stimulant drug that is manufactured in laboratory is known as amphetamine.


A structure in the brain that plays key role in the emotion and memory is known as amygdala.

 Anaclitic depression

A pattern of depressed behavior found among very young children that is caused by separation from the mother is known as anaclitic depression.

Analog observation

A method for observing behavior in which people are observed in artificial settings such as clinicians, offices or laboratories.

Analogue experiments

A research method in which the experimenter produces abnormal-like behavior in laboratory subjects and then conducts experiments on the subjects is known as analogue experiment.

Anal Stage

In psychoanalytical theory, the second 18 months of life, during which the child's focus of pleasure shifts to the anas is known as anal stage.


A lessening or loss of sensation of touch or for pain is known as anesthesia.

Anomic suicide

Suicide committed by individuals whose social environment fails to provide stability, thus leaving them without a sense belonging is known as anomic suicide.

Anorexia nervosa

A disorder marked by the pursuit of extreme thinness and by an extreme loss of weight is known as anorexia nervosa.


A complication of birth in which the baby is deprived of oxygen is known as anoxia.

Antabuse (disulfiram)

A drug that causes intense nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, and dizziness when taken with alcohol. It is often taken by people who are trying to refrain from drinking alcohol is known as antabuse.

Antagonistic drugs

Drugs that block or change the effects of an addictive drug is known as antagonistic drugs.

Anterograde amnesia

The inability to remember new information acquired after the event that triggered amnesia is known as anterograde amnesia.

Antianxiety drugs

Psychotropic drugs that help reduce tension and anxiety are known as antianxiety drugs and also known as anxiolytics.

Antibipolar drugs

Psychotropic drugs that help stabilize the moods of people suffering from bipolar mood disorder are known as antibipolar drugs. 


Bodily chemicals that seek out and destroy foreign invaders such as bacteria or viruses are known as antibodies.

Antidepressant drugs

Psychotropic drugs that improve the mood of people with depression are known as antidepressant drugs.


A foreign invader of the body such as bacterium or virus is known as antigen.

Antipsychotic drugs

Drugs that help correct grossly confused or distorted thinking, such as that found in psychotic disorders are known as antipsychotic drugs.

Antisocial personality disorder

A personality disorder marked by a general pattern of disregard for and violation of other people's rights is known as antisocial personality disorder.


The central nervous system's physiological and emotional response to a vague sense of threat or danger is known as anxiety.

Anxiety disorder

A disorder in which anxiety is a central system is known as anxiety disorder.

Anxiety sensitivity

A tendency of certain persons to focus on their body sensations, assess them illogically, and interpret them as harmful is known as anxiety sensitivity.


Drugs that reduce anxiety are known as anxiolytics.

Arbitrary inference

An error in logic in which a person draws negative conclusions on the basis of little or even cntrary evidence is known as arbitrary inference.

Asperger's disorder

A pervasive developmental disorder in which individuals display profound social impairment yet maintain a relatively high level of cognitive functioning and language skills is known as asperger's disorder and known as Asperger's syndrome.

Assertiveness training

A cognitive-behavioural approach to increasing assertive behaviour that is socially desirable is known as assertiveness training.


The process of collecting and interpreting relevant information about subject or client is known as assessment.


A medical problem marked by narrowing of the trachea and bronchi, which results in shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and a choking sensation is known as asthma.


A type of institution first established in thirteenth century to provide care for persons with mental disorders. Most became virtual prisons is known as asylum.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

A disorder in which persons are unable to focus their attention or behave overactively and impulsively, or both is known as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


An explanation of things we see going on around us which points to particular cues is known as attribution.

Atypical antipsychotic drugs

A new group of antipsychotic drugs that operate in a biological manner that is different from the way traditional antipsychotic drugs operate is known as atypical antipsychotic drugs.

Auditory hallucination

A hallucination in which a person hears sound or voices that are not actually present is known as auditory hallucination.

Augmentative communication system

A method for teaching communication skills to individuals with autism, mental retardation, or cerebral palsy by pointing to pictures, symbols, letters or words on the communication board or computer is known as augmentative communication system.


A warning sensation that may precede a migraine headache is known as aura.

Autistic disorder

A pervasive developmental disorder marked by extreme unresponsiveness to others, poor communication skills, and highly repetitive and rigid behaviour is known as autistic disorder and also known as autism.

Autoerotic asphyxia

A fatal lack of oxygen that persons may unintentionally produced while hanging, suffocating, or strangling themselves during masturbation is known as autoerotic asphyxia.

Automatic thoughts

Numerous unpleasant thoughts that come into the mind, helping to cause or maintain depression, anxiety, or other forms of psychological dysfunction is known as automatic thoughts.

Autonomic nervous system (ANS)

The network of nerve fibres that connect the central nervous system to all the other organs of the body is known as autonomic nervous system (ANS).

Aversion therapy

A treatment based on the principles of classical conditioning in which people are repeatedly presented with shocks or another unpleasant stimulus while they are performing undesirable behaviours such as taking a drug is known as aversion therapy.

Avoidant personality disorder

A personality disorder in which an individual is consistently uncomfortable and restrained in social situations, overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, and extremely sensitive to negative evaluation is known as avoidant personality disorder.


A symptom of schizophrenia marked by apathy and inability to start or complete a course of action is known as avolition.


A long fibre extending from a body of a neuron is known as axon.


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